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Gifts made in Memory of Sahara


This is a list of some gifts or tributes made in honor of Sahara. In addition to these tributes and external donations, we are grateful for all of the phone calls, text messages, cards, flowers, food, and countless other acts of kindness and support offered by family and friends. 

Note: If you need us to add or remove your gift from this website, please notify us, using the contact form on the bottom of the home page.

A letter from SPCA

A Star-Naming & Donation to SPCA

The McClain Family (Lee, Susan, Kyle, and Erin)

Portrait & Donation to Red Rover 

- Kendall Wharry

An art of Sahara
A letter describing a donation made in honor of Sahara

Donation to NAMI &
Donation for Sahara's Cat's Health Treatment

- Maggie Hamelin

The logo for NAMI
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